List of Tamil words in Thai language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Thai language
Dr. Variankaval Ramsamy Annadurai; MD;DPM;
Thai, or Central Thai (historically Siamese), is a Tai language of the Kra–Dai language family spoken by the Central Thai people and a vast majority of Thai Chinese. It is the sole official language of Thailand.
Thai is the most spoken of over 60 languages of Thailand by both number of native and overall speakers. Over half of its vocabulary is derived from or borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit, Mon and Old Khmer. It is a tonal and analytic language, similar to Chinese and Vietnamese.
Thai has a complex orthography and system of relational markers. Spoken Thai, depending on standard sociolinguistic factors such as age, gender, class, spatial proximity, and the urban/rural divide, is partly mutually intelligible with Lao, Isan, and some fellow Southwestern Tai languages. These languages are written with slightly different scripts but are linguistically similar and effectively form a dialect continuum.
As a dominant language in all aspects of society in Thailand, Thai initially saw gradual and later widespread adoption as a second language among the country's minority ethnic groups since the mid-late Ayutthaya period. Ethnic minorities today are predominantly bilingual, speaking Thai alongside their native language or dialect.

Clues to read Thai words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref- Thai- English Students Dictionary – compiled by Mary R.Haas.
English- Thai- Tamil
1.abundant- dog-aathikkam cut off- duan -thundi ; letter ‘d’ is read more than once.
*3.scold- da - thittu
4.curse/abuse –daathcc- thittu
* daaw-udu ; letters are in reversed order.
* -dithii-thaethi ; date[ E] = thaethi . know well- ruudii- arinthidu/ to know
8.dare- thyydii- thuninthida
* tap – diid- thattu
* snap -diid -odiththidu pluck- diid / ded- aayinthidu
* kick- diid- uthaiththidu
13.a kind of long pepper- diiplii- aththi thippili ; thippili- pepper .
admission fee- kaaduu – kattanam
14.fare /cost of passage- kaadoojsaan- kadavu kattanam; Kadavu- to cross/ pass; ka= va; va= ka.
15.look after- duulee- paththiduthal
16.keep watching- fawduu- paththidu / watch /see
* look at carefully- phidduu- paththidu / watch /see sever/cut – ded/ tad - thundi walk- deen-nadai edu ; letters are in reversed order. serve/ as waiter- deento- thanthidu / give walk straight- dee nrri – naerae adi edu; letters are jumbled; naerae- straight;adi-foot; edu- take.
*21.same / identical- diaw-oththavai
*22.same- diawka – oththavaiyaaka
23.single/ solo – diaw- woththiyaa ; letters are in reversed order.
*24.single-dood- oththaiyaa
*25.single time- thiidiaw- oththai thadavai ; oththai- single; thadavai- times
*26.united- annyn andiaw - onnayidawae / to become one
* eat- deeg-thueikka
*28.blushing- naadeen – naanaththudan / with shyness
* deen- thinai
30.jump /leap- dood- thaandu
31.which- daj – ethu get- daj -adaiya reach- daj – adaiya conquer- tiidaaij –saathithida ; letters are jumbled; jeiththida ; jeyam [Skt].
35.can go- pajdaaj- poaeidu
36.drooping ears- huu tog- kaathu thonkka ; kathu-ear ;thonkka- to droop; letters are jumbled. lay as eggs- tog- muttai iduka ; muttai- egg; iduka- to lay .
38.diminish- tog- -thanika ; adankku
39.stalk- ton- thandu clap-tob -thattu slap- tob– thappu; adi; thattu; letter ‘t’ is read more than once . swarm together - truu- moeiththar run together in crowds- truu- onnaa oaaduthar / run together; oaaduthar- running; onnaa- together.
*44.beautiful- truu- thiru
45.pound/ hammer- tccg-idikaa break- tcj – udai
* break- teeg-udaikka
*48.stutteringly-takug takeg - thikka be aware- ruuta- arinthida
50.cane/ stick -taphod- thadi
51.kind of drum- taphoon- thappu
* dip up- tag- thoaikka tailor/ make dress -tadsya – sattai theiththidu ; letters are jumbled; sattai- shirt ;theiththidu- to stitch
*54.body- tua- thadi
*55.clf for articles of clothing- tua- udai; aadai .
*56.agent- representative- tuatheen – thoothan boast- uadtua- peeththidu buy a ticket- tiitua- seettu edu ; seettu- ticket; edu- take.
*59.language- phaasaa – paechchu die- taaj- madiya stop- taaj- thadu
62.attach- tid- inaiththidu be attached- neebtid-inaiththidu
* kindle/ ignite- tid- thoondu ;thee idu ; thee- fire; idu- make.
* adhere- tid- ottu
* adjoin- tid- aduththa / adjoin be addicted- tid- adimai aayida ; adimai /slave/addict ; aayida- to become .
*68.adjacent to- tidka- aduththathaka
* glue/to stick together with glue- tidkaaw-ottuka
* hit a target– thug -thaakku ;adikka ;idikka .
*71.hit- tii- idi
*72.beat- tii- adi
*73.strike- tii- adi; idi.
*74.palpitation of the heart – tyg tyg- thudikka thudikka
* wander- tree- thiriya
76.bulging - tuj –pudaiththida
77.swollen- tuj- thadiththtida
78.rump- tuud- sooththu
79.anus- tuud- sootthu oaattai ; oaattai- hole.
80.all over the body /from head to toe -temtua- adi mudi ; adi- foot; mudi- head.
* kick- te- uthai
*82.thick- te- thadiththa ; letter is read more than once.
83.oven for cooking- twaob- aduppu ; thavaai .
84.clean /tidy- tien- thooimaiyana
* dress- tentua- thuni uduththu ; thunai- cloth; uduththu- wear
* dress- tenkaaji -udai anika ; udai- dress; anika- wear.
87.under/ below- taaj- adi
88.south- taaj- then ; root word is adi /under.
* touch- te- thodu
* touch-thuug- thoduka
91.large/ big-too- thotta; moatto ; thaatti .
92.mature- too- muththiya
* counter- too- ethithidu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once .
94.punting pole- thcc- thduppu
95.give- thawaaj- thaa remove- thccd- eduththidu
* knit- thag- theikka
98.plait- thag- pinniduka
99.braid- thag- mudaika
100.bad/ wicked- thcj –theethu
* thad- aduththu
*102.tray- thadd- thattu
* be close- thii- otti kick- thiib – uthai; uthai poadu ; letters are jumbled.
* gratify / satisfy – thyncaj- thanikka
* reach one’s turn – thyntaa-adainthida hold /carry- thyy- pidi/ hold; edu/carry .
108.bag- thun –thunji
* spit out/ sound uttered to spurn someone/ to show contempt- thuj –thoo thoo ; echchi thuppu ;echchi -saliva; letters are jumbled; thuppu / spit.
* rub- thuu – thaei be transferred- thuugkhia- maaththuka
*112.senior monk- theera – adiyaar ; seedar .
*113.procrastinate/ dilly dally -thalle thalaj - thalli iduthal / to post pone ; dilly dally[E]- thalli iduthal
* agree- awthe- woththida
115.kind of jar- thoo- jaadi push forward- thuj- idi / push
117.layer- thob-yaedu
*118.demolish – thalaaj – idiththu thallu
* flood- thum – oaatham /flood
120.great grandparent- thuad- paattan / great grandfather ; thaththa/ grandfather.
121.ten- thod- paththu weave- thcc- neithidu
* thccnkham –thankkam
124.belly- thccn – thonthi
* develop holes- thalu – thulai udaiya ;thulai- hole; udaiya- has.
*126.pierce- thalu – theiththal; yaeththuthal .
*127.penetrate- thalu –thlaiththidu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once.
*128.sea- thalee- thoazham
129.lake- thaleesaab –thollam
* speak- thag- oaathuka
* be equal- thud- oththa thub- padai ;letters are in reversed order.
*133.immediately- thanthii – udan adiya
*134.water- thaan- thanni
*135.port/ harbour-thaarya- thurai
136.pier- thaa- thoon
* paint– thaa-theettu
*138.spread- thaa- etta
*139.apply- thaa- idu
*140.smear- tha- thaei challenge -thaathaaji –yaeththidaathu donation- thaan-- thaaneeyam; thaanam [Skt] ; eeya- to give. beg for alms- khccthaan—kai yaenthu ;letters are jumbled; kai- hand; yaenthu- hold.
* thaan- thinnu
145.a place- thii- idam
*146.that- thii- athu
*147.which- thii – ethu
148.blunt- thyy- mottai
149.foolish- thym-madamai hit- thub -idi
151.smash into- thub –udaiththidu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once .
152.envoy/ambassador - thud-thoothan ;root word is oaadidu – to run .
* pour- thee- uooththu
154.a god- theewee- devi [Skt] ;theivam / god ; aandavan / god .
155.a god- theewadaa- theiva thaai / goddess; thaai- mother; root word is thee vadivam -thee - fire ; vadivam- fire ; daevathai [Skt].
* preach -theed- oaathidu
*157.same size- thawtua-oththa vadivu ; oththa- similar; vadivu- size .
* thaaw- thaavu ; uthavi ; letters are jumbled.
*159.sole of the foot- faathaaw - paatha adi ; paatham- foot; adi- sole/ foot .
a city which lies across the river in Bangkok- Thon Burii – Thuni Puram ; thuni – river; puram- village ; thanni – water .
160.long pepper- phraigthaj – aar kathi – thrccrani -tharani
162.bow- thanuu –thanu ; thandam .
*163.arrow- thannu -thoani ; thunai.
* brook- thaan – thuni/ river; nathi ; letters are in reversed order; thanni- water.
165.joss stick -thuub- uoothu paththi ; letter ’t’ is read more than once.
*166.precious stones- manii- mani
*167.mind- manad- manathu
*168.mind/ heart-manoo- manam
* human being- manud- maanudan
*170.death -marydtajuu- marainthidu /disappear ; mariththidu [ Indo Iranian]
171. to die- muaj – maaya
*172. jasmine – mali –malli
*173.much/ many- maag- mikka
174. garland- maalaij – maalai [Indo Iranian] ; punaiyal . meeg- mukil ;maeka [Skt]
* aged woman- meethaw- moothaatti ; muthiyaval ; muthiyava.
*177.spots/ freckles- kra- karai /stain jump- kradood- kuthiththar ; letters are jumbled. stamp with the foot- kratyyb- kaar raar mithi ; kar- leg; mithi- to stamp.
* krib-koor; koormai
* cut- kriid- keeridu
* be angry- kriw- karuvu
183.kind- karunaa- karunai [Skt] ; irankku ; letters are jumbled.
* be hollow- kulan- kuzhiyaana gargle/ the throat -kluakhcc- koppalikka
*186.mix/ blend- klua- kala
* fear- klua- kili /fear
* say – klaaw- kuyila/ tell
* klum- kuzhu ; kuzhumam .
*190.cluster- klum- kulai
* sweep- kwadd- koottu ; thudaikka; letters are in reversed order.
192.poet- kawi- kavi [? Skt] ; kavi vaanan .
193.hug- kccd- katti anai ; kattikka ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
194.guess- ka – kani ; uookam .
*195.chip off- kathc- koththu ; sethukku ; letters are in reversed order.
196.sailor- kalaasii-kalamaan ; kalam- ship.
*197.bite- kad- kadi
*198.snake strike/bite- kad- koththa
*199.crow- ka-kaakka / onomatopoeic
* caw /cry of the crow- - kaa kaa- kaa kaa
* be wicked- kaad- kodiya
202.body – kaaj- yaakkai
203.long time ago- kaalanoon - veku kaalam mun ; ka= va; va= ka; kaalam- time; mun- before .
*204.time/ period- kaala- kaalam clench one’s fist- kammad- kai mutti yaei madakku ; letters are read more than once; kai- hand; mutti- joint; madakku -to fold ; madakku- letters are jumbled.
* - kid- kattu
* kid- kadamai
* obstruct- kiid- kattai idu ;thadukka; letters are in reversed order.
* call out / shout- kuu haa- koovuka be shortened- kud- kuttai aakku ; kuttai- short ;aakku- make.
* guess- ken – kani
212.harvest- ryduu keb- payir aruththiduka ; payir- crops; aruththiduka- to reap ;letters are jumbled.
213.godown- koodan – kidankku ;letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
* be bent- koon- kuni
*215. ten million-kood – koadi
*216.flute- khluj- kuzhal
*217. to rattle-khlugkhlag- kilu kilukka
*218.cowardly-khlaad -kolai thanam ; koalai aayida/ to become a coward; aayida- to become.
219.flask- khuad –kuduvai; ka= va; va= ka.
* gore/ with horns- khwid- kuththa
221.ask for- khcc- kaekka
222.request/ beg for- rccnkhcc-eranchuka ; letters are jumbled.
*223.?o knot- khccd- kattu
* fasten- khad- kattu
* be injured- khad- kaayam adaiya; kaayam- injury; adaiya- to get . be displeasing to the ear-khadhuu –kaathukku kaedu ; kaathu- ear ;keduthi- damage.
*227.bowl- khan- kinnam ; kinni . be strict with- khadkhan- kadumai kaatanum ; kadumai- strict
* be final – khaad- kadai ; kadaisi.
*230.mud- khloon-kali munn
*231.line- khiid- koadu
* draw a line-khiid- koadu idu ; koadu- line; idu- make.
*233.limit-khiid – kaadu; kedu . dig- khud- kendu
*235.boundary-kheed – kaattai
* be afraid - khed -kedi
237.distress- khen- kinnam
*238.knee- khaan- kanu
* meet with- khawnna-kaana
240.capture /seize -khawjyd - kai paththu; kai adaiya .
241.make a call- khawphob-kooppidu
242.moon- khee- koan
243.mound- khood- kumidu
244.herd/ elephants- khloon- yaanai kuzhu ;letters are jumbled; yaanai- elephant; kuzhu- herd.
*245.testicles- khaj- kaai /testis lay eggs- togkhaj –muttai iduka; muttai- egg; iduka- to lay .
* count- khananaa- kani ; ennuka; letters are in reversed order.
248.maths- khanid- kanitham; root word is kaniththidu / kanakkidu . charge- khadii- kuththam
*249.story- khadi-kathai
*250.mace-khathaa- kathai; kattai /wood /stick
*251.look for- khonhaa- kaanu
* search for- khonkhwaa-kaanuka
253.lament- khruan- kariaya
*254.abundant- khlam- kezhumai
* be mixed - khlug- kalakka
256.wait for- khccjitha- kaaththu kida ;letters are read more than once .
257.keep scolding- khccjdu –kadi /scold
*258.estimate/ guess-khanee- kani think about-khanyn- ennuka ; letters are in reversed order.
260.score /points -khaneen- kanakku ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once; ennikkai ; letters are in reversed order.
* letter as in penmanship- khad- kaditham idu ; kaditham- letter.
*262.admission fee- khaaduu-kattanam
263. expect- khaad- kaaththu kida
* tie around- khaad- kattu /tie
*265.magic spell- khaathaa- kattu be fishy in smell- khaaw- kavichchai
* stink /foul smell – menkhaaw-manakka/ smelling calculate- khid- kanakkidu ; letter ‘k’ is read more than once.
*269.cave- khuuhaa-kukai
*270.angry- khiad- kattam ; kaduppu ; kothippu .
271.sound of coughing- khegkheg- kakka / to cough /to eject out.
*272.bull/ ox- koo- koa
*273.what- naj- enna
*274.join- carod- saerththidu
275.reach- carod- saernthidu
* die- ccced- seththidu
*277.thinking- cinta-ennidu ;sinthithidu .
278.thinking- cin taana kaan -cinthanai kaana
*279.poet- cintakawii- santha kavi ; santha kavi vanan ; santhai- verse; kavi vaanan- poet.
* sip- cib- sappu be tiny- ciw- - sinna
*282. painting- cidtra- ciththiram ;root word is theettuthar /to paint.
* inject- chiid- uoosi yaeththu ; uoosi- needel; yaeththu- to inject .
* be angry- chun- sinam answer- chaleej- sollu /say
286.oblique/ slant- chian – saaya
287.stink badly- menchoo- manakka/ smelling / usually good smell wipe/ to clean - ched- cuththa maa thudai ;thudai- to wipe; suththam/ cleanliness.
*289.noisy- sed- saththama ; oaasai yoadu ;saththam- noise; oaasai- noise .
290.poetry- bod kawii – kathai paattu ; kathai- story; paattu- song; letters are jumbled; kavithai ; letters are jumbled .
*291.lesson- bod- paadam / lesson
*292.verse- bod- paattu
*293.songs- bod- paattu /song ; paadu- to sing. obstruct- bod- thadu ;thadai poadu . grind/ pulverize -bod- idi; podi idi be pure – bccrisud- perum suththam ; periya- big; suththam- cleanliness; pari suththam [Skt] .
*297.line of poetry- baad -paattu adi ; patttu -song ;adi – line.
*298.foot- baad- paatham ;adi .
299.foot path- bad withii - nadai weethi ; veethi- street ; nadai- walking .
*300.cowherd-koobaan- koanaan; kuppan .
* / town- burii- puram
302.tell a lie- pod- poei paesidu ; poai- a lie; paesidu- speak . protest- prathun –poaradu ; poaraadunum ; protest[E]= poraadidu .
304.benefit- phon prajood- payan pettrida ; letters are jumbled. be born-prasuud- piranthida
*306.traditional/ ancient - param paraa- param para [?Skt] ; perum marapu ; perum- great; maarpu- tradition.
* part/ come apart - pri – piriya
*308.shiny- plan- pala palannu close- pid – poottu/ lock ; adai .
* go- paj –poa
* powder -phad- podi idi ; podi- powder; idi- pound.
* apply powder- phad- podi appidu ; appidu- apply. postpone- phad- oththi poaadu ; letters are jumbled.
*314.keep watching- fawduu- paaththidu
*315.ghost- phii- paei
316.female- phuujin – penn
317.bind- phuug- pinaikka ; bind [E] =pinaiththidu .
* separate- phraag- pirikka
*319.copiously / in large quantity – phraag- perukkam
320. tax - phikad- kudi kadan ; letters are read more than once; kudi- citizenship ; kadan- duty .
321.duty- phikad – kadamai
*322.take care off-phitag- paaththukka destroy- phikaad- kedu
324.lord- phra- piraan look at carefully- phidduu/ phid - paaththidu
*326.affection- phisawaad- paasam udaiya /with affection ; paasam- affection ;udaiya- has.
* love- phisamaj- paasam /love
328.ferry boat- pheejon- punai spread- phree- parappu
*330.woman- phathu – paethai
331.wife- phatuu- pondaatti
* announce/declare- prakaad- araikkai idu ;arikkai- notice; idu- make ; pirakadanam [Skt] .
* spread out- phree saphad parappidu /to spread
*334.goat- tua- aadu
* light fire-tidfaj - thee yaeththu ; thee- fire.
*336.region- phaag- - pakkam ; paakkam .
*336.abundantly- phryd- peruththa
*337.hunter-phraan- paran
* hide-lii-oliya be deep- lyg-aazhamaaka / deeply
* get up/rise-lug-ezhuka
* raise- lianduu- ezhunthidu
342.blood-lyad-uoolai thanni
343.what-andaj- enna athu / what is that ;enna- what ;athu -that .
* open the mouth – aa- aa / by saying aa one has to necessarily open his mouth
*345.air- aakaad- kaaththu
346.bowl- aan- yaenam
347.order- aanad- aanai idu/ to order;aanai- order; idu- make. expire- mod aaju madaiya be swollen – yyd-thadiththida
* fil a hole-ud-oattai yaei adai ; oaattai- hole; adai- to plug.
* stop up/plug- ud-adai
* be stuffy- uduu- adaiththida
* be close- uduu- otti
*354.abundant- udom- eettam
355.make an offering- uthid- padiththidu
*356.misery /evil -ubaad- poththu ; peedai .
*357.misfortune – ubad- aapaththu ; peedai.
358.chest-ura – maaru
*359.heart- ura – uyir/ soul
*360.camel- uud- ottai
*361.oneself- tuaeen – thaun; thaan .
* – nee
*363. I / me- en - naan
* scold loudly- edtaroo- thittuthar /scolding
*365.agree- awtheed – woththida
366.teaching- oowaad- oaathi thaa / teach
*367.body warmth- ajtua- soodu / warmth ;thadi soodu ;thadi- body.
368.that which remains-thiilya-meethi ulla
369.cruel- hoodraai- koduram; letter ‘h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’. fold one’s arms across one’s chest-kccdog- kai yaei kattuka ; kai- arm; kattuka- to fold.
*371.molecule- anuu – anu
* guess- anumaan – manam enna ; manam- mind; enna- to think ; letters are jumbled ; anumaaanam [Skt]
* vomit- uag- kakka / to eject out recall/ remember- nygccg – ninaikka
* be broken- teeghag-udaikka / to break be shy- niam- naanam
376.stink- men- manam / smell
377.wealth- sambad- sampaththu
378.night- raatrii- eruttu /dark ; raathri[ Skt]
*379. alcoholic beverage- suraa- saaraayam ; root word is saaru- juice.
*380.shirt- syacheed- sattai
* nyn- onnu
382.completely- mod- moththamum
* drip /to drop - jaad – sotta /to dip; sottttu /a drop.
*384.heaven- suan –saen aloud/ recite- suad- saththa maa oaathu ; oaathu- recite ; saththam- noise/ sound. insert- sccd- saeththidu
*387.phlegm- saleed –sali yoadu /with phlegm; sali- phlegm; silattumam .
*388.fist- mad- mutti
*389.fist- kammad –kai mutti; kai- hand; mutti- joint/ fist.
* pull- laag- izhukka
*391.method/ means - withii- vithi ; vitham .
*392.path- withii- veethi locality – sathaan- thinai ; stan [Skt]
*394.time/ occasion - weela – waelai
*395.enemy- sadtruu –ethiri ; sathru[ Skt]
*396.sorrow/ grief- soog – soakam water- rod- neer uooththu ; neer- water; uooththu- to pour. spread- rabaad- parappidu
* tear up- ryy- aru
* know- ruu- ariya know/ a person – ruucag-ari mukam be scattered- riaraad- iraiththidu /to scatter be scattered about- rake raka- iraikka /to scatter
404.strength- riaw- uram ; letters are in reversed order. a hundred -najrccj-nooru/ 100
406.sorrow- rakam- erakkam
407.intimation- rakhe rakhaaj- arikkai / notice
408.receive- rab- peru; letters are in reversed order.
409.wrong/ incorrect- phid- thappu ; letters are in reversed order. pour over- raad-uooththuthar ; letters are in reversed order.
411.stripe/ line- riw-vari ; letters are in reversed order.
412.dress- chud- udai ;aadai ; sattai- shirt; saadi; soodi / cloth.
413.catch a contagious disease- tid roog- roakam thoththida ; roakam [Skt]- illness ;thoththa- to get infected ;roakam [Skt] = uru kann [Tamil]
414. to sway- joog- asaikka
415.urine- jiaw- uchchaa ; letters are in reversed order. winnow- fad- pudai be tight- fyyd-pidiththida
418.sun- phra athid- parithi connect/attach - phun– pinai
420.mother’s father- taa –thaayin thaathai ; letter is read more than once; thaai- mother; thathai- father.
421. rM intensifier with run- tyy- oaadu /run
422. jump- ten- thaandu